Soul Bears – Acrylic on Canvas

This is only the beginning to a new style I’m exploring that highlights detail and vivacity in every creature as if you could view them on a new frequency.
My subjects are so far comprised primarily of the large mammals of the Pacific Northwest and I am currently working on depictions of fox, buffalo, elk, and others.

Acrylic Painting of a Pink Bear rendered in Impressionist spots. Kind of Pointalism.
Acrylic Painting of a blue Bear rendered in Impressionist spots. Kind of Pointalism.
canvas mockup of Acrylic Painting of a Pink Bear rendered in Impressionist spots. Kind of Pointalism.
work in progress of Acrylic Painting of a Pink Bear rendered in Impressionist spots. Kind of Pointalism.
Acrylic Painting of a lighter grey and blue Bear rendered in Impressionist spots. Kind of Pointalism.
work in progress of Acrylic Painting of a Bear rendered in Impressionist spots. Kind of Pointalism.
work in progress of Acrylic Painting of a blue Bear rendered in Impressionist spots. Kind of Pointalism.
work in progress of Acrylic Painting of a Pink Bear rendered in Impressionist spots. Kind of Pointalism.

This project is ongoing.